Computer Science

Computer Science at Heathfield offers students a comprehensive understanding of digital systems, programming, and the ethical implications of technology. The curriculum is designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the increasingly digital world and equip them with the foundation for further study or a career in computer science.

Key Stage 3

In Year 9, students delve into the fundamentals of computer science through a series of engaging topics. Term 1 introduces them to digital systems, covering computer systems, devices, and components. Term 2 focuses on delving deeper into digital systems, exploring the CPU, memory, storage, and units of storage. Term 3 introduces programming using Scratch, where students create projects like helicopters, racing cars, tanks, and space invaders. In Term 4, students transition to Python programming, covering concepts such as input/output, variables, strings, loops, and conditions. Additionally, students acquire essential Microsoft Office skills, including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, in Term 6.

Key Stage 4

In Year 10, Term 1 focuses on Python programming skills, covering string concatenation, variables, input/output, data types, loops, conditional statements, math, logic, functions, and random numbers. Term 2 delves into system architecture, including CPU architecture, performance, and embedded systems. Term 3 explores memory and storage, discussing primary and secondary storage, units, data storage, and compression. Term 4 introduces computer networks, connections, and protocols, covering networks, topologies, wired and wireless networks, and protocols. In Term 5, students learn about network security, identifying and preventing threats to computer systems and networks. Term 6 examines systems software, including operating systems and utility software, as well as the ethical, legal, cultural, and environmental impacts of digital technology.

Year 11 builds upon the foundations established in Year 10. Term 1 focuses on algorithms, computational thinking, designing, creating, and refining algorithms, as well as searching and sorting algorithms. Term 2 delves into programming fundamentals, data types, and additional programming techniques. Term 3 emphasises producing robust programs, defensive design, and testing. Term 4 introduces Boolean logic, providing students with a solid understanding of this fundamental concept. Finally, Term 5 explores programming languages and integrated development environments (IDEs), enabling students to understand different languages and IDEs.

By the end of Key Stage 4, students at Heathfield have a solid grounding in computer science principles, programming skills, and an awareness of the ethical implications of technology. They are well-prepared for further study in computer science or related fields or equipped with practical skills applicable to the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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Heathfield Community School
School Road
Monkton, Heathfield
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Company No: 06207590