Curriculum overview

Our curriculum focuses upon acquiring key knowledge and builds upon what students have previously learned. The content of our curriculum is specified in detail, seeks equity and is academically rigorous. We strive to ensure that our curriculum and implementation of it is highly effective in delivering outcomes but also ensures our students will be widely educated, with experiences that include consideration of the best that humanity has produced, words, art, ideas, science.
  • All students study a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Our curriculum is knowledge-rich and taught to be remembered.
  • Our curriculum is well sequenced, rigorous and provides equality of opportunity.
  • Subject experts develop and drive the curriculum and their professional development.

To help equip students to keep themselves safe in school, outside school and in the future, safeguarding is an integral part of our personal development curriculum.​

In Key Stage 3 we intentionally provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which meets the National Curriculum. In our two-year Key Stage 4, option subjects are offered based upon student need, and our experience of where students are successful. Subjects are combined and provide opportunities for students to develop in specialist areas. We recognise the value of the EBacc.​

The curriculum is delivered by subject experts who are given the autonomy to adapt the curriculum to our context and consider the needs of the students in their classes. We emphasise the importance of improving pedagogy through subject planning and development sessions, supported by research and national developments. Lessons are well planned and sequenced to ensure progression and that they are accessible to all.​

Reading is a key area of focus within the school. Our approach to reading falls within two strands: whole school reading and reading interventions. Our aim is to ensure all students possess the reading skills needed to access the curriculum presented to them, as well as the opportunities open to them upon leaving Heathfield.​

Our enrichment programme encourages our students to look for opportunities to lead and work as part of a team, with the programme designed to develop a wide range of qualities and skills. Students are offered a variety of activities including the Duke of Edinburgh award, inclusion groups, sports teams, expressive arts performances and weekly clubs.​

We encourage students to explore their future options and create opportunities for themselves by explicitly teaching careers through our responsive Personal Development programme. Our Careers Education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) programme is interweaved across our taught curriculum. At Key Stage 4, every student is offered independent careers advice. For every student, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, we aim to unlock future educational pathways and careers, which in turn lead to greater life chances.​

Heathfield Community School is a place where staff are enthused and encourage a love of learning in students. We have high expectations and want every student leaving Heathfield to be equipped with the right qualifications, skills and qualities – ready for a successful future.

Contact Us

Heathfield Community School
School Road
Monkton, Heathfield
Contact Us
Heathfield Community School is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590