Learning Ready Policy

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Date Approved - October 2022
Approved By - Chair of Governors
Review Frequency - Annually
Date of Next Review - October 2023
Full PDF Policy

History of Recent Policy Changes





Origin of Change


1. Legislative Compliance

This policy has been written as guidance for staff, parents or carers and young people with reference to the following guidance and documents:

  • Education Act 1996
  • School Standards and Framework Act 1998
  • Education Act 2002
  • Education and Inspections Act 2006
  • School Information (England) Regulations 2008
  • Equality Act 2010
  • Education Act 2011
  • Schools (Specification and Disposal of Articles) Regulations 2012
  • The School Behaviour (Determination and Publicising of Measures in Academies) Regulations 2012
  • Behaviour and Discipline in Schools (A guide for Head Teachers and School Staff)
  • Use of Reasonable Force – Advice for headteachers, staff and governing bodies 2013 (Reviewed 2015) Behaviour & Safety Policy 2020

2. Summary of what the law says:

The Headteacher must set out measures in the behaviour policy which aim to:

  • promote good behaviour, self-discipline and respect.
  • prevent bullying.
  • ensure that pupils complete assigned work.
  • regulate the conduct of students.

The law applies to students whilst present on the school premises, but also at many times when not present at the school but still on-roll as a student of the school.

3. Equalities Screening

We are committed to anti-discriminatory practice and recognise children and families’ diverse circumstances. We ensure that all children have the same protection, regardless of any barriers they may face. With regards to student behaviour at Heathfield Community School we will consider our duties under the Equality Act 2010 in relation to making reasonable adjustments, non-discrimination and our Public Sector Equality Duty.

Date of screening: 16/10/2022
Name of person completing screening: Helena Nicholls

Should the policy have a Full Equalities Impact Assessment? No

If no – please state reasons:

The policy aims to support positive behaviour through a graduated response and the ability to make reasonable adjustments to meet needs. Our data suggest that the majority of behaviour concerns are due to boys and so boys have received the greatest amount of support and intervention relative to girls. With regards to disability and in particular mental health, reasonable adjustments are made when and if possible in accordance with the Equalities Act. At any one time and with our multicultural community, it may well be the case that more students from a particular ethnic group are being positively supported within the Graduated Response in comparison to another.

4. Introductory Statement:

Heathfield Community School is a happy, harmonious, learning community where staff and students feel safe and secure. School life is characterised by a purposeful environment underpinned by relationships built upon mutual respect. Our expectation is that all students, staff and visitors will behave in appropriate and socially acceptable ways. Every member of staff has a key role to play in promoting and sustaining the highest standards of behaviour and learning. We will always aim to manage behaviour positively, celebrating success and encouraging our students to strive to be the best they can be. We accept that sometimes young people make mistakes with their behaviour, however, fair and appropriate sanctions will be applied consistently to all students at Heathfield Community School to allow us to achieve outstanding achievement for all.  Learning in partnership with students, parents/carers and outside agencies, we aim to ensure all students feel positive and safe in their learning environment.

Students will be Learning Ready by:

  • Attending school in correct uniform; arriving on time and being “Learning Ready”
  • Listening to and following instructions promptly
  • Working to the best of one’s ability
  • Completing and presenting work to a high standard
  • Being polite and respecting everyone’s right to learn in a safe environment

Staff will ensure students can Learn by:

  • Dealing with unacceptable behaviour in an emotionally literate way
  • Teaching lessons which aim to meet all individual needs
  • Promoting and modelling appropriate behaviour at all times
  • Building positive relationships with students
  • Learning from our mistakes

Parents/Carers will ensure students can Learn by:

  • Supporting students with having the correct equipment and uniform
  • Supporting students in being at Bristol Met punctually and every day except when seriously ill
  • Communicating concerns to staff
  • Supporting with any sanctions
  • Celebrating success

5. Conduct around the School site

Members of the Heathfield Community School should:

  • Move around the School in a sensible, calm, courteous and appropriate manner. They should not run around the school site. They should not shout or make other loud noises.
  • Be polite and helpful to all occupants and visitors to the academy.
  • Respect the rights of others to use all areas of the academy.
  • Never drop litter.
  • Never bring in or use cigarettes, alcohol, and illegal substances or items. This is strictly forbidden. Dangerous items such as matches, lighters and knives must not be brought onto the school site under any circumstances.
  • Never bring in items which are prohibited under current school rules (for example energy drinks)
  • Not use mobile phones and electrical devices (including head/earphones). These must not be used, seen or heard at any time whilst on the Academy site (including before school starts, lessons, break, lunch or after school finishes). Failure to conform to this request will lead to their confiscation and returned after school to students. If students fail to hand over the electrical devices, parents/ carers will be called in to confiscate the phone and to meet with Senior Leadership.
  • Not eat or drink (apart from water) in any lessons. At break and lunchtime there are designated areas for drinking and eating.
  • Not leave the school site without permission. Students or visitors who need to arrive or leave the school during lesson times must check in and/or out at the main reception.
  • Arrive no later than 8.55 am ready to learn. Late students must sign in at student reception and a break time detention will be awarded. If students are continually late this will be treated as an attendance issue resulting in a school attendance meeting being conducted with the Attendance Officer. It may, in some situations, also result in the issuing of a penalty notice charge.
  • Wear the school uniform correctly at all times. Students in the wrong uniform will be sent to the uniform hub to change. If students refuse to change, parent’s /carers will be called to bring in the correct uniform. Or students will be sent home to change.

6. Corridors and Lesson Changeovers

Staff should:

Challenge every incident of inappropriate or loud behaviour; excessive physical contact; infringement of uniform regulations and students who do not have a pass or note when they should be in lessons.

Constantly reinforce good behaviour by thanking those who are smart and calm.

7. Conduct Outside School

When in public places, students are expected to act as ambassadors for the school and ensure that, through their conduct, the academy’s reputation is enhanced. Any misbehaviour which occurs outside of the school premises and which is brought to the attention of the school will be dealt with in the same way is if that poor behaviour had occurred on the school site.

Students should be particularly mindful of the following…

  • Smoking – smoking is not permitted on the way to or from the academy or at any time when identifiable as a Heathfield community school member.
  • Local residents – students should be kind and courteous to members of the local community.
  • Cycling/walking – students should use pavements sensibly and be sure to leave plenty of room for members of the public to pass safely in the opposite direction. Students should always use cycle paths where available.
  • Use of loud and bad language is unacceptable at any time.

8. Sanctions

It is recognised that, at some point, some students will – either intentionally or unintentionally – fall short of the school’s expectations.  In such circumstances, students are expected to take responsibility for their actions and make amends, both through their words, and more importantly, through their actions.

9. Detentions

Neither parental / carer consent, nor advance notice is required for detentions.

Class teachers may give detentions with appropriate consideration of any influencing factors. This could be (but not limited to) a disability or agreed adjustments as shared with relevant staff.

Class Teacher Detentions may be given at the following times:

  • During morning break
  • During lunch time

Class teachers should not issue ‘whole class’ detentions, as it will always be the case that some students are blameless and undeserving of a sanction.

10. Community Service

As an alternative to detention, or an addition to, students may be issued with community service tasks. These may include cleaning, litter-collecting, cleaning desks or room-tidying. Community Service will typically be given for infringements with littering and for eating outside the designated eating areas

11. Powers to search

In order to ensure that all students are safe and following the school rules it may be necessary to search a student or their property for items that are prohibited or banned under school rules. Two members of staff will be present where a student is searched, and consent will always be requested.

When consent is provided, a student can be searched for any item. Should the student refuse to comply with the request to search and we have reason to believe they may be in possession of something banned under school rules, the law allows for a disciplinary sanction.

If it is believed that a student is in possession of anything prohibited or banned under school rules, then consent is not needed to search. Of course, consent and cooperation would be preferred and asked for in the first instance. Prohibited items include alcohol, weapons including knives, illegal drugs, tobacco and cigarette papers and by extension vapes (since they are categorised as tobacco items), fireworks, pornographic items, stolen items, any item suspected to be used to cause harm to themselves or others or any item which is believed to be used to commit a crime. Banned items include mobile phones, electronic devices, energy drinks, laser pens / pointers, fun snaps (a type of firecracker that explodes when thrown against a surface), water pistols and water bomb balloons.

12. Confiscation

In law, the general power of a member of staff to discipline enables a member of staff to confiscate banned items to maintain an environment conducive to learning; one which safeguards the right of other students to be educated. Staff are also protected by law from liability for damage to, or loss of, any confiscated items. A refusal to cooperate can result in a higher-level sanction.

The criteria for confiscation may include:

a) An item that poses a threat to others, e.g. a laser pen.

b) An item that poses a threat to good order for learning, e.g. use of a personal music player, mobile phone, headphones.

c) An item that is against school uniform rules, e.g. student refuses to take off his/her hat on entry to the academy.

d) An item that poses a health or safety threat, e.g. students wearing large earrings in PE.

e) An item which is counter to the ethos of the school, e.g. racist or homophobic material.

f) An item that would be illegal for the student to possess / use eg: alcohol or pornographic material

Where appropriate, items which are confiscated and deemed to be inappropriate to return to students may be disposed of. This would include illegal items but also prohibited items such as energy drinks and partially consumed food.

13. The use of reasonable force (positive handling)

We always try to avoid using physical interventions and regard them as a last resort after all other approaches have been tried or in situations where the safety of the student, other members of the community, or property, are at risk of immediate harm. Where reasonable force is required, the school follows the Use of Reasonable Force – Advice for headteachers, staff and governing bodies guidance. The use of reasonable force can range from guiding a student to safety by the arm through to more extreme circumstances such as breaking up a fight or where a student needs to be restrained to prevent violence or injury to themselves or others. School staff will always use the minimum force required to and try to avoid acting in a way that might cause injury, but in extreme cases it may not always be possible to avoid injuring the student when for example, that member of staff has acted in a way to separate a fight between students. We do not require parent / carer permission to use force with a student and where a member of staff has acted within the law – that is, they have used reasonable force in order to prevent injury, damage to property or disorder – this will provide a defence to any criminal prosecution or other civil or public law action. It is not illegal to touch a student. There are occasions when physical contact, other than reasonable force, with a student is proper and necessary.

14. Removal of a student from a lesson

When a student does not comply with the School’s Learning Ready expectations they will be placed in another classroom until the end of the lesson. Students should leave quietly and sensibly; they will be directed by the teacher for what room to go to. If a student refuses to leave, a further sanction will take place and parents/carers will be called in.

Whilst in the new classroom, students are required to produce the work they should have done in their normal classroom. Misbehaviour in the new classroom will lead to an additional subject detention.

In some circumstances, rather than serve a Fixed Term Suspension at home a student may spend the duration in an internal suspension. Parents/ carers will be informed of this.

15. Fixed Term Suspension

In extreme circumstances of disciplinary breakdown, the sanction of suspension will be used. Only the Headteacher can issue a Fixed Term Exclusion. If the Headteacher is not available, then the Deputy Headteacher can agree a fixed term Exclusion but this will be ratified by the Headteacher as soon as possible. If a student is excluded, the parents / carers will be informed as soon as practicable, initially by telephone and then by letter.  Parents / carers must meet with a member of the Pastoral team and / or SLT before a student can return to class following a Fixed Term Suspension.

Examples of student behaviour likely to lead to a Fixed-Term Suspension (note this is not exhaustive):

  • Refusal to accept the normal discipline of the school
  • Abusive language towards a member of staff.
  • Physical violence towards another student or member of staff.
  • Serious harm to the reputation of the school through grossly irresponsible behaviour outside the school;
  • Persistent bullying or intimidation of another student.
  • Significant involvement by a student with items or substances that should not legally be in his or her possession in the academy.
  • Smoking in school.

Further information about exclusions can be found in the exclusions specific policy on the school’s website.

16. Fixed Term Suspension Reduction Placement

As an alternative to fixed term exclusion and with parent / carer permission Heathfield Community School will attempt to arrange a short-term placement at another School. This would enable the learning of the student to continue with reflection away from Heathfield Community School. Contact will be made with parents / carers to confirm if this alternative is possible otherwise the student is to stay at home as per the original fixed term exclusion.

17. Permanent Exclusion

In circumstances where a student has proved, over the long term or through an outrageous single act, to be beyond the control of the school there may be no alternative but to issue a Permanent Exclusion. Extensive efforts are made to improve behaviour to avoid permanent exclusion. However, in the case of a single outrageous act the school reserves the right to permanently exclude a student without a programme of support being provided. We hope and expect that this sanction will only be used extremely rarely.

Examples of a single outrageous act which might lead to Permanent Exclusion include but are not limited to:

  • Threatening behaviour with, or use of, weapons.
  • The distribution of drugs.
  • Large scale theft of property from the academy site.
  • Acts of violence against a member of the school community.
  • Sexual assault against a member of the school community.

Further information about exclusions can be found in the exclusions specific policy on the Academy website.

18. Restorative Solutions

Heathfield Community School is committed to ensuring not only that students take responsibility for their actions, but also, they learn from their mistakes. It is important for students to understand why their misbehaviour may have arisen and what they can do to prevent this from happening again in the future. It is important for students to understand why sanctions are imposed, and why the school considers these to be appropriate in their severity.

These aims are often best achieved through a restorative conversation between the student and teacher involved in a particular incident.  Teachers are expected to do a restorative justice conversation to “Repair and Build” before the next lesson.

Heads of department will be available to facilitate these conversations if required. The outcomes of the meeting should be that:

  • Both student and teacher can have their say in a non-confrontational manner.
  • The student understands why their behaviour was wrong and the impact that the behaviour had on others.
  • The student and teacher understand why the misbehaviour may have arisen and what measures could be taken to reduce the likelihood of similar misbehaviour in the future.
  • A harmonious relationship is restored between both student and teacher.

19. Recognition, Reward and Celebration

Heathfield Community School recognises that praise and reward are always the most powerful of motivational tools. As such, all staff should actively seek opportunities to praise and reward students on a daily basis.  Rewards can be earned for attendance, behaviour and achievement.

Each term student achievement is celebrated in a dedicated celebration assembly.

Heathfield Community School also recognises the importance of creating opportunities for students to earn positions of responsibility. A number of leadership opportunities are available to students (e.g prefects and student council).

20. Graduated Response

Student behaviour is monitored closely, and our aim is to support as early as possible where behaviours are worsening and get students back on track. There could be a variety of reasons which would need exploring and then appropriate support put in place. Parents / carers are informed when their child is supported within the Graduated Response and updated with each review.

A termly Plan, Do, Review Cycle underpins our Graduated Response of support for student behaviour. A single or combination of approaches may include (but not limited to) for example:

  • Report Card
  • Mentoring and intervention groups within the Student Support Base
  • Pastoral Support Plans
  • School Councillor
  • Dyslexia or Reading tests; EP referrals; SEN adjustments
  • External agencies such as CAMHS
  • Revolving door provision such as our own Engage

In rare cases and when reasonable support has been exhausted at Heathfield Community School, a student would benefit from a fresh start. Depending upon the needs of the student this could be in the form of a managed transfer to another mainstream school or a more specialised Alternative Learning Provider.

21. Reasonable adjustments

Heathfield Community School is an inclusive school that strives for the best outcomes of all its students regardless of circumstance. We recognise that a one size fits all approach to managing behaviour is not appropriate and through our Graduated Response we can implement reasonable adjustments whilst having High Standards and High Expectations. We also have a duty in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 to make reasonable adjustments to support disability in order to not disadvantage.

The Equality Act 2010 does not set out what would be a reasonable adjustment or a list of factors to consider in determining what is reasonable. The Act states that it will be for schools to consider the reasonableness of adjustments based on the circumstances of each case. However, factors a school may consider when assessing the reasonableness of an adjustment may include the financial or other resources required for the adjustment, its effectiveness, its effect on other pupils, health and safety requirements, and whether aids have been made available through the Special Educational Needs route.

22. Taking Account of SEND and the circumstances of other vulnerable students (such as looked after or previously looked after children)

Heathfield Community School will always take into account SEND and the circumstances of other vulnerable students in implementing any aspect of the Behaviour Policy and are committed to working in partnership with parents/carers, the Local Authority and other services where it is recognised that a child’s behaviour places them at risk of exclusion and whereby alternative provision may be required. In the case of students with a statement of SEND or Education Health-Care Plans (EHCP), Heathfield Community School will always consider requesting an early annual review or interim/emergency review.

23. Monitoring and review

Heathfield Community School will evaluate the impact of this policy by receiving data from the relevant staff analysed by year group, gender, SEND and ethnicity. Data is provided to the Council regarding behaviour and exclusions. Prior to any review of the policy, any feedback received about the policy will be considered.

Contact Us

Heathfield Community School
School Road
Monkton, Heathfield
Contact Us
Heathfield Community School is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590