What is Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance?
Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance programmes contribute to prepare students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. They help young people (students) make decisions and manage transitions as learners and workers.
Effective careers, education, information, advice and guidance, linked with other areas of the curriculum plays a key role in:
- Developing enterprise and employability skills.
- Challenging stereotyping and promoting equal opportunities.
- Raising achievements and raising ambitions.
- Encouraging participation in continued learning (further and higher education, vocational training – in line with the Government Gatsby Benchmarks.
CEIAG helps students develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to make best use of their capabilities in learning and work throughout life.
Careers programmes have 2 elements – Careers Education and Guidance. They are interrelated and complement each other.
Careers Education – helps students develop the knowledge and skills needed to make choices, manage transitions in learning and move into work.
Careers Guidance – enables students to use the knowledge and skills to make decisions about learning and work that suit them.
CEIAG in the School Curriculum
Schools had a statutory duty to provide careers education in Years 9-11 (1997 Education Act, 2003 Education Regulations). Updated to include Year 7-8 in 2004.
The DFE published a National Framework for Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Post 16 in 2015 entitled Careers Guidance and Access for Education and Training Providers which was then updated in 2018 AND IN July 2021. The statutory framework aims to make sure that all young people in secondary school get a programme of advice and guidance that is stable, structured and delivered by individuals with the right skills and experience. To achieve this schools should adopt the Gatsby Charitable Foundation’s Benchmarks to develop and improve their careers provision.
The Gatsby Benchmarks are as follows:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each student
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance.
For specific examples and information about how the school meets these benchmarks, please see our COMPASS results and also the Appendix at the end of this document
CEIAG (Careers, Education, Information, Advice & Guidance) at Heathfield
The school is committed to providing a planned programme of careers education for all students and information, advice and guidance in partnership with a number of independent bodies. We endeavour to follow the National Framework for CEIAG 11-19 in England and other relevant guidance from the DfES, QCA and Ofsted.
The underlying principles of CEIAG within the school are to promote :
- Self-awareness – strengths / weaknesses / values / health.
- Self-confidence – self-esteem / inter-personal skills.
- Equal opportunities – awareness / challenge of stereotypes.
- Work with parents / carers – information evening.
- Transition skills – managing change / time management / study skills / action planning.
The careers programme at Heathfield is designed to meet the needs of students. It is differentiated and personalised to ensure progression through activities that are appropriate to students’ stages of career planning and development. Students are entitled to guidance that is person-centred, impartial and confidential. It is integrated into the students’ experience of the whole curriculum and is based on a partnership with students and their parents or carers. The CEIAG programme promotes equal opportunities, inclusion and anti-racism.
Student Entitlement to Careers, Education, Information, Advice & Guidance
- From careers education :
- develop ideas and awareness of self in relationship to abilities, aptitudes, interest, attitudes, values, skills, strengths and limitations;
- suitable learning opportunities which will explore, process, test and record these ideas;
- knowledge and awareness of opportunities qualifications, routes ahead, occupational structures, progression, implications of choice ;
- access these opportunities through Open Days, interviews, careers conventions, admission system ;
- strategies and tools for putting self-awareness and opportunity awareness together in order to make informed and reasoned choices (information-handling, decision making, coping with transition)
- 2. Access to information which is :
- free
- accessible
- up-to-date
- accurate
- unbiased
- comprehensive
- of high quality
- at an appropriate level
- A direct opportunity to learn about the world of work which is :
- linked to the Curriculum.
- part of a planned programme of preparation, briefing, work place experience, de-briefing and follow-up.
- Individual guidance which provides :
- awareness of sources of guidance.
- access to individual guidance from a professionally trained Careers Advisor.
- guidance which is impartial and free from institutional bias.
- guidance which is available at key decision times.
- confidentiality.
- respect for themselves as individuals.
- The recording of their achievements which includes :
- appropriate recording of achievement and plans.
- appropriate documentation, Careers Guidance Action Plan, Individual Action Plan.
- records which ease progression and transition.
Equality of Opportunity at every stage of the process.
The programme includes careers education lessons as part of the PSHE programme, career guidance activities, information and research activities, work-related learning, individual learning planning activities, college visits and careers conventions.
Management and Staffing
Ian Caddy and Jo Rogers co-ordinate the careers programme.
Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Co-ordinator – Jo Rogers
Head of Business Studies, Enterprise & Line-management of Careers – CEIAG – Ian Caddy
Independent Careers Advisor – Jackie Martin
STEM Co-ordinator – Alex Pugh
FE Liaison – Jo Rogers
Governor Linked to Careers – Sandy Greenham
PSHE Link – Wil Lowndes
Careers and Enterprise Programme at Heathfield
Careers Education and Guidance at Heathfield is given in a variety of ways.
- The Careers Resource Library is available in the Learning Resource Centre.
- Specialist careers guidance is provided by the independent advisor Jackie Martin.
- Relevant literature is disseminated to students e.g. Next Step South West literature, National Citizenship Service, CSW. Links are available on the school website.
- All staff contribute through their roles as tutors and subject teachers.
- Careers education is delivered as part of the tutorial programme and also as part of the collapsed timetable PSHE days, and the Careers Enrichment Days in Year 10.
The careers programme is planned, monitored and evaluated by the Careers Coordinator in consultation with the Careers Advisor and the Senior Management link.
KS3 and KS4 – PSHE Programme
Detailed Map available on website > careers
PSHE / Tutorial programme- all years
Throughout the year many themes are developed within the assembly, tutorial and collapsed timetable days. Careers education plays part of this role including looking at life and employability skills.
There are many opportunities both within the curriculum and also the extra-curricular timetable.
Careers Curriculum map:
Please see appendix for careers curriculum map for a detailed explanation of how careers fits into the formal curriculum and extra-curricular activities, and how it meets the Careers Gatsby framework.
Extra-curricular opportunities
STEM and enterprise events are planned for the Summer Term.
Students have an opportunity to get involved with Café Paramo and Green Team.
The ASPIRE programme also has opportunities for students which are careers related. Independent advisor, Jackie Martin, attends tutorials and parents’ evenings.
Year 9 Options
Year 9 are invited to take part in the Next Steps South West programme and complete a baseline survey. During this workshop they are able to access CareerPilot.
Students have an opportunity to get involved with Café Paramo and the Green Team Women.
Independent advisor, Jackie Martin, attends tutorials and parents’ evenings and offers 1:1 interview.
Year 10 Guidance
Annual Careers Fair – Each year all Year 10 students attend the Somerset Careers Fair held at the Somerset County Cricket Ground. Due to COVID this has been a virtual careers fair for the past two years. The Careers Fair has been advertised in school and on the website and social media and is promoted to all Year Groups.
During the past 2 years, unfortunately, work experience has had to be cancelled. For the current Year 10 we are very keen to ensure that all students have a valuable experience of the world of work, and also have access to the very best information and experiences of the career sectors that they may be interested in.
We would like all students to receive an equal valuable experience and due to a number of factors it has not always been possible for many students to access a quality placement.
We have therefore decided to take the situation in hand and develop our own bespoke careers enrichment experience in school over 3-4 days. This allows us to minimise the risk of cancellation and allows us to focus on what will help our students the most. The new programme will include workshops led by a range of career sectors and business partners, and every student will have the opportunity to engage with the full range of our local colleges. There will be a focus on employability skills and preparing students for the future, and the event itself will be at the end of June after their Year 10 mock exams. More details on this exciting programme will follow.
We are confident that this plan will enable us to provide a very rewarding experience for all students and there will be a significant element of choice about careers that students will learn about, so we will endeavour to tailor the experience to their interest.
If students are still interested in work experience, we fully encourage anyone to arrange their own placements outside of term time.
Independent advisor, Jackie Martin, attends tutorials and parents’ evenings and ALL students are given a group interview in the summer term. This will involve the creation on an individual careers plan outlining their interests and options for their next stage at post-16.
A small cohort of students have the opportunity to take part in the Barclays Life Skills project.
Year 11 – Moving On
Outside speakers from local Post 16 colleges will visit and speak to students in assemblies and drop-in sessions. All of the local College Open Evenings are advertised and promoted.
All students are offered and individual careers interview with Jackie Martin to ensure that they are given the personalised guidance that they need.
Additional opportunities in STEM are available to all years. With local contacts, (e.g. EDF, Musgrove Hospital) with business these opportunities change annually.
Opportunities to access information regarding university education is made available to KS3 and 4 students. E.g. visiting Plymouth University bus, trip to Exeter and Bath universities, opportunities with HPA Aspire programme and Next Steps South West programme.
Careers support from South Somerset Partnership 14 – 19
An annual Partnership Agreement is negotiated between the school and South Somerset Partnership 14 – 19 which identifies the contributions to the work experience programme. Independent Advisor, Jackie Martin, provides advice, guidance, support and personal development services for all 13-19 year olds. Students have access to the Personal Advisor (Mrs Martin) who can help them realise what they can achieve and support them with advice on routes into employment, training or further education.
Somerset Business Partnership
Heathfield is networking with the Somerset Business Partnership in order to promote links with businesses and look at attendance at Careers Fairs and opportunities for work experience.
The Careers Enterprise Company
Heathfield has signed an agreement with the local enterprise partnership. Their coordinator will provide advice and guidance for careers plans, meeting Gatsby Benchmarks and completing Compass Tool. They will also link the school with a local Enterprise Advisor.
Funding is allocated in the annual school budget. The careers coordinators are responsible for the effective deployment of resources. The school submits a half termly applications to Government funded initiative Next Steps South West. This funding is now used to fund career resources and work experience costs for the targeted students.
Staff Development
Staff training needs are identified as part of the Partnership Agreement and through monitoring of the PSHE Careers programme.
Monitoring, review and evaluation
The Partnership Agreement with Jackie Martin is reviewed annually. The careers programme is reviewed by discussion, evaluations at events, careers team meetings and then annually by the Careers Coordinator and SLT Link. The latter involves discussion with the independent Careers Advisor. The team development plan is reviewed using the Gatsby Benchmark Compass tool in the autumn term and a new plan presented to the SLT.
Evaluations are carried out during the year which take the form of questionnaires or oral feedback from students and parents. The first of these takes place in the second part of the Autumn Term.
Links with other Policies
Career supports other school policies including those for teaching and learning, citizenship, health and safety, equal opportunities, enterprise and work-related learning.
Work Related Learning / Enterprise Education and Careers Education
Work Related Learning refers to curriculum activities that help students to :
- learn about work.
- learn for work.
- learn through work.
Careers Education contributes to Work Related Learning by helping young people learn about opportunities in work and to gain employability skills.
These skills are developed throughout the curriculum, most notably through the Year 10 careers enrichment days where there are workshops with different employers and on CVs, Job applications and Post-16 Colleges.
Mapping the Gatsby Benchmarks – links to the curriculum
Black= subject curriculum
Blue= extra-curriculum opportunities
Red= specific careers curriculum
Please note- this list may not cover everything that we do as a school. It may also be subject to change e.g. impact of COVID. The audit is done annually.
Benchmark 1
Any reference to careers in your curriculum
(Do you mention jobs / careers in your subject area in your curriculum)
Year 7:
- PE – Mention jobs in sports themselves as performers. Associated jobs such as coach etc.
- Music- musicians
- Science – STEM careers
- PSHE Days – themes established during the year.
(Many opportunities below also apply to this benchmark.
Year 8:
- PE – Mention jobs in sports themselves as performers. Associated jobs such as coach etc.
- Geography/ English Matt Dickinson author
- Science – Hinkley Point, science week- pioneers
- Art – different artists studied
- English – authors
- PSHE Day – themes established during the year.
(Many opportunities below also apply to this benchmark)
Year 9:
- PE – Mention jobs in sports themselves as performers. Associated jobs such as coach etc.
- MFL – Careers in languages
- PSHE Day – themes established during the year.
(Many opportunities below also apply to this benchmark.
Year 10:
- PE – Mention jobs in sports themselves as performers. Associated jobs such as coach etc.
- PSHE Day – themes established during the year.
(Many opportunities below also apply to this benchmark
Year 11:
- PE – Mention jobs in sports themselves as performers. Associated jobs such as coach etc.
- PSHE Day – themes established during the year.
(Many opportunities below also apply to this benchmark)
Year 12/13
- SPACE – regular reference to careers in the Performing Arts.
- Research and assignments to explore careers in the arts, training requirements and progression routes for all students as part of UAL qualification.
(Many opportunities below also apply to this benchmark)
Benchmark 2
Learning from career and labour market information
(Referring to opportunities in the SW and UK as a whole)
Year 7:
- Food – students learn industrial practices.
- MFL – where are French/Spanish spoken.
- Geography – Development Unit
Year 8:
- Science – energy resources and Hinckly Point module.
- Food – students learn industrial practices.
- Geography – Development Unit.
Year 9:
- Next Steps South West – career pilot work introducing careers guidance.
- Skirting science trip – activities by local and national STEM industries.
- Food – students learn industrial practices.
- Geography – development gap industries.
- Science – EDF visit. Energy resources activities. Planning for renewable future.
- MFL – topic on jobs/careers.
Year 10:
- Business Studies – examining different types of businesses and business activity.
- Food – students learn industrial practices.
- South West Careers Fair.
- Science – Drug development in Health and disease topic.
Year 11:
- Food – students learn industrial practices.
- South West Careers Fair.
- Geography – changing economic world.
- Science – portable water and industrial reactions.
Year 12/13
- SPACE Progression guidance. Professional performers and companies demonstrating careers in the Arts.
- Research and assignments to explore careers in the arts, training requirements and progression routes for all students as part of UAL qualification.
Benchmark 3
Addressing the needs of each student.
(Challenging stereotyping, raising aspiration, developing transferable skills for a variety of careers, apprenticeship opportunities)
Year 7:
- Year 7 Induction and Pinkery.
- Maths – developing transferable skills including problem-solving, collaboration, adaptability, communication skills, self-management.
- English – speech writing and persuasive skills.
- Music – team and group work, collaboration, communication, resilience, ICT.
- Music – Ensembles and small group + independent study skills/collaboration, communication, resilience and ICT skills.
- Science week – resources which challenge stereotypes including females and minorities as science pioneers.
- Science – critical thinking skills. Group work. Practical skills including safely undertaking experiments.
- Dance & Drama – collaboration, teamwork, leadership, communication, empathy & respect. – study a variety of dance styles.
- Food – kitchen skills and cooking practices.
- RPE – introduction – developing skills of empathy and respect.
- Art – develop skills of time-management, independent study, creativity.
- MFL – challenging stereotypes and transferable skills of language in a wide range of careers.
- Geography – Use completion and analysis of statistical information.
- Geography – Fieldwork Enquiry Skills. Collection, analysis and education.
- Geography – Studying Geographical information and drawing conclusions (+ stakeholder opinions).
- PE – Practices open to all genders.
- PE – target non-gender activities.
- Eco-team – projects including swifts.
- Café Paramo – enterprise skills and fair trade
- Aspire challenges for high achievers – Beyond the classroom.
Year 8:
- Maths – developing transferable skills including problem-solving, collaboration, adaptability, communication skills, self-management.
- English – speech writing and persuasive skills.
- Music – team and group work, collaboration, communication, resilience, ICT.
- Music – Ensembles and small group + independent study skills/collaboration, communication, resilience and ICT skills.
- Science week – resources which challenge stereotypes including females and minorities as science pioneers.
- Science – critical thinking skills. Group work. Practical skills including safely undertaking experiments.
- Dance & Drama – collaboration, teamwork, leadership, communication, empathy & respect. study a variety of dance styles.
- Food – kitchen skills and cooking practices.
- Art – identity unit challenges stereotype of the individual.
- Art – develop skills of time-management, independent study, creativity.
- Geography – Use completion and analysis of statistical information.
- Geography – Fieldwork Enquiry Skills. Collection, analysis and education.
- Geography – Studying Geographical information and drawing conclusions (+ stakeholder opinions).
- PE – Practices open to all genders.
- PE – target non-gender activities.
- Eco-team – projects including swifts.
- Café Paramo – enterprise skills and fair trade.
- Aspire challenges for high achievers – Beyond the classroom.
Year 9:
- Maths – developing transferable skills including problem-solving, collaboration, adaptability, communication skills, self-management.
- English – ‘Much Ado about Nothing’ looking at stereotypes. Speeches and persuasive skills.
- Music – team and group work, collaboration, communication, resilience, ICT.
- Music – Ensembles and small group + independent study skills/collaboration, communication, resilience and ICT skills.
- Science week – resources which challenge stereotypes including females and minorities as science pioneers.
- Science – critical thinking skills. Group work. Practical skills including safely undertaking experiments.
- Dance & Drama – collaboration, teamwork, leadership, communication, empathy & respect. study a variety of dance styles.
- RPE – stereotype and discrimination unit.
- Art – develop skills of time-management, independent study, creativity.
- MFL – in depth discussion of careers using languages.
- Geography – Use completion and analysis of statistical information.
- Geography – Fieldwork Enquiry Skills. Collection, analysis and education.
- Geography – Studying Geographical information and drawing conclusions (+ stakeholder opinions).
- PE – Practices open to all genders.
- Barclays – life skills for up to 15 students – mainly disadvantaged.
- Eco-team – projects including swifts.
- Café Paramo – enterprise skills and fair trade.
- Duke of Edinburgh.
- Aspire challenges for high achievers – Beyond the classroom.
Year 10:
- Careers interviews with individual action plans – disadvantaged students needs prioritised to prevent NEAT.
- Year 10 Careers enrichment days – students able to choose workshops for careers they are interested in.
- Maths – developing transferable skills including problem-solving, collaboration, adaptability, communication skills, self-management.
- Music – team and groupwork, collaboration, communication, resilience, ICT.
- Music – skill based knowledge, transferable skills, ensemble and independent skills, creativity, self-belief, ICT skills.
- Science – Discovery of DNA – Rosalind Franklin – challenging stereotypes.
- Science – critical thinking skills. Group work. Practical skills including safely undertaking experiments.
- PE – Practices open to all genders.
- PE – GCSE PE non-gender groups for equality of access.
- Princes Trust – work experience.
- Dance & Drama – independent study, teamwork, communication, collaboration, self-management. choreography.
- Food- moral / cultural / religious reasons for food choices.
- Art – develop skills of time-management, independent study, creativity.
- Geography – Use completion and analysis of statistical information.
- Geography – Fieldwork Enquiry Skills. Collection, analysis and education.
- Debating society.
- Café Paramo – enterprise skills and fair trade.
- Duke of Edinburgh.
Year 11:
- Careers interviews with individual action plans – disadvantaged students needs prioritised to prevent NEAT.
- Year 10 Careers enrichment days – students able to choose workshops for careers they are interested in.
- Maths – developing transferable skills including problem-solving, collaboration, adaptability, communication skills, self-management.
- Music – team and groupwork, collaboration, communication, resilience, ICT.
- Music – skill based knowledge, transferable skills, ensemble and independent skills, creativity, self-belief, ICT skills.
- Science – critical thinking skills. Group work. Practical skills including safely undertaking experiments.
- MFL – topic on jobs / university / post-education.
- PE – Practices open to all genders.
- PE – GCSE PE non-gender groups for equality of access.
- Princes trust – career development skills.
- Dance & Drama – independent study, teamwork, communication, collaboration, self-management. choreography.
- Art – develop skills of time-management, independent study, creativity.
- Geography – Use completion and analysis of statistical information.
- Geography – Fieldwork Enquiry Skills. Collection, analysis and education.
- Business Studies – finance unit – profit, loss, break-even, cash flow etc.
- Debating Society.
- Ten Tors.
- Café Paramo – enterprise skills and fair trade.
Year 12/13
- SPACE – Differentiation in teaching and casting and tailoring course to aspirations of individual students.
- Research and assignments to explore careers in the arts, training requirements and progression routes for all students as part of UAL qualification.
Benchmark 4
Linking curriculum learning to careers.
(How to apply subject skills and knowledge to world of work)
Year 7
- Maths – reference made to real life application of topics, including jobs.
- Science – learning about hazards in the science lab.
- Dance & Drama – reference to different choreograph. Theatre company and playwrights. learning leadership, teamwork, time management skills.
- Music – learning skills to become a musician – to play an instrument/Music Industry education – skills for life in ICT.
- Food – learning food skills and industrial practices – Health and Safety.
- Geography – Management of River Tone.
- Art – study of individual artist.
- Science – Robotics Club – STEM.
Year 8
- Maths – reference made to real life application of topics, including jobs.
- Science – chromatography- link to forensic sciences.
- Science – C51 day (not sure is running again).
- Dance & Drama – reference to different choreograph. Theatre company and playwrights. learning leadership, teamwork, time management skills.
- Music – learning skills to become a musician – to play an instrument/Music Industry education – skills for life in ICT.
- Food – learning food skills and industrial practices- health and safety.
- Geography – Matt Dickinson – author and Explorer visit.
- Art – study of individual artist.
Year 9
- Maths – reference made to real life application of topics, including jobs.
- Musical workshops.
- Science – STEM cell research debate.
- Dance & Drama – reference to different choreograph. Theatre company and playwrights. learning leadership, teamwork, time management skills.
- Music – learning skills to become a musician – to play an instrument/Music Industry education – skills for life in ICT.
- DT – CAD/CAM project.
- RPE – discussion on the relevance of subject to future careers.
- Art – study of individual artist.
Year 10
- Maths – reference made to real life application of topics, including jobs.
- Business Studies – recruitment process and characteristics of successful entrepreneurs examined.
- Science – Nuclear Power unit. and Hinkley Point. Discussion and links to Hinkley Point made.
- Geography – Link to Nuclear Power unit (Science) – but in Year 11).
- Dance & Drama – the understanding of different roles and responsibilities with the process of creating performances. learning leadership, teamwork, time management skills.
- Music – areas of study develop the whole musician for any are of the Music Industry education – skills for life in ICT.
- MFL – In depth discussion of careers using languages.
- PE – Planning like fitness instructors and coaches in Sports studies and GCSE coursework.
Year 11
- Maths – reference made to real life application of topics, including jobs.
- Musical workshops.
- Princes Trust – careers development skills.
- Dance & Drama – the understanding of different roles and responsibilities with the process of creating performances. learning leadership, teamwork, time management skills.
- Music – areas of study develop the whole musician for any are of the Music Industry education – skills for life in ICT.
- Science – Advertisement of free courses online, such as Exeter Maths school.
- Science Live! Trip to Bath (not sure if able to run this year).
- Year 11 Art Exhibition.
- MFL – In depth discussion of careers using languages.
- PE – Planning like fitness instructors and coaches in Sports studies and GCSE coursework.
Year 12/13 SPACE
- SPACE – Course replicates creative industry – vocational approach throughout.
- Research and assignments to explore careers in the arts, training requirements and progression routes for all students as part of UAL qualification.
Benchmark 5
Encounters with employers and employees.
(Links with employers, visitors)
Year 7
- Musical workshops.
- Science – Bugfest – entrepreneur talking about family business.
- Dance – professional dance company workshop.
- Art – visiting artist to school.
- Music – Musical workshops in lessons and visiting musicians / concerts in collaboration with other schools and organisations.
Year 8
- English – Year 8 meet author Matt Dickinson.
- Musical workshops.
- Dance – Professional dance company workshops.
- Art – visiting artist to school.
- Geography – Matt Dickinson – author & explorer visit.
- Science – Sea Cadets buoyancy workshop.
- Science – Avalon Marshes RSPB and field skills.
- Music – Musical workshops in lessons and visiting musicians / concerts in collaboration with other schools and organisations.
Year 9
- Science – EDF energy turbine competition- job opportunities in the energy sector.
- Dance – Professional dance company workshops.
- Art – visiting artist to school.
- History – learning about different historians.
- Music – Musical workshops in lessons and visiting musicians / concerts in collaboration with other schools and organisations.
Year 10
- Year 10 Careers enrichment days – students choose employment sectors.
- Business Studies – reference to careers curriculum and references to different businesses. employer workshops.
- Musical workshops.
- Music – Musical workshops in lessons and visiting musicians / concerts in collaboration with other schools and organisations.
- Dance – Professional dance company workshops.
- Food – visit to Rumwell farm butchery.
- Textiles – felting company workshop.
- Art- visiting artist to school.
- Future Thursdays – virtual workshops with different employment sectors.
- Virtual parent and student workshop – ASK Apprenticeships.
Year 11
- Princes Trust – working with Tesco and local banks.
- Dance – Professional dance company workshops.
- Music – Musical workshops in lessons and visiting musicians / concerts in collaboration with other schools and organisations.
- Art – visiting artist to school.
- Future Thursdays – virtual workshops with different employment sectors.
- Virtual parent and student workshop – ASK Apprenticeships.
Year 12/13 SPACE
- SPACE Workshops with professional performers and companies.
Benchmark 6
Experiences of work places.
(Work place visits, curriculum links to businesses)
Year 7
- Music – Trips to theatres, London & Bristol / concerts in the TMU / Trips to colleges like Richard Huish.
- Dance – visit to Tacchi-Morris Theatre.
- Dance & Drama – performances in TMAC.
- PE – Swimming Pool visits.
- Science – Bristol Zoo (Noah’s Ark) Trip?
- Tacchi-Morris Front of House.
Year 8
- Music – Trips to theatres, London & Bristol / concerts in the TMU / Trips to colleges like Richard Huish.
- Dance – visit to Tacchi-Morris Theatre.
- Dance & Drama – performances in TMAC.
- Science – Avalon Marshes visit.
- MFL – Paris Trip.
- Tacchi-Morris Front of House.
Year 9
- English – Theatre visits.
- Science – Hinkley Point.
- Dance – visit to Tacchi-Morris Theatre.
- Dance & Drama – performances in TMAC.
- Music – Trips to theatres, London & Bristol / concerts in the TMU / Trips to colleges like Richard Huish.
- MFL – Paris Trip.
- Tacchi-Morris – Front of House.
Year 10
- English – Theatre visits.
- Science – Hinkley Point.
- Dance – Arts enterprise project.
- Dance & Drama – performances in TMAC.
- Music – Trips to theatres, London & Bristol / concerts in the TMU / Trips to colleges like Richard Huish.
- Textiles – Museum visit / Arts Council Award.
- Art – gallery visits in UK and abroad – e.g New York trip.
- PE – use of a gym.
- Year 10 Careers Enrichment – links with work place environment.
Year 11
- Princes Trust – Tesco in the world of work.
- Dance/ Drama Launchpad drama festival – Tacchi Morris Theatre.
- Dance & Drama – performances in TMAC.
- Music – Trips to theatres, London & Bristol / concerts in the TMU / Trips to colleges like Richard Huish.
- Geography – Visit to retail area of Bristol.
- Art – gallery visits in UK and abroad – eg. New York trip.
- PE- use of a gym.
Year 12/13 SPACE
- SPACE – Visits to professional performances and workshops. Work experience has been arranged pre-COVID.
- Research and assignments to explore careers in the arts, training requirements and progression routes for all students as part of UAL qualification.
Benchmark 7
Encounters with FE & HE
(Subject links with FE or HE institutions)
Year 7
- Dance / Drama – SPACE visit for Theatre in Education.
- Music – Music Festival on the field.
Year 8
- Dance / Drama – visit for SPACE for performance.
- Music – Music Festival on the field.
Year 9
- Science – offer experience of A-Level practicals to HPA students in Year 9 and KS4. (Year 10 only).
- Dance / Drama – Visit to SPACE for performance.
- Music – Music Festival on the field.
- Next Steps South West Career pilot programme.
Year 10
- Maths – High achievers targeted with A-Level exposure, further maths etc.
- Music – Band on a bus link with Richard Huish College.
- Music – Trips to colleges and lead Gig on a lorry in workshops with Richard Huish and studio time at college.
- Dance & Drama – workshop visit to SPACE.
- Food – visit to BTC catering department.
- RPE – competitions with Exeter University.
- MFL – workshop with Exeter University language ambassadors.
- Science – offer experience of A-Level practicals to HPA students in Year 10.
Year 11
- Maths – High achievers targeted with A-Level exposure, further Maths etc.
- Music – Band on a bus link with Richard Huish College.
- Music – Trips to colleges and lead Gig on a lorry in workshops with Richard Huish and studio time at college.
- Dance & Drama – workshop visit to the SPACE.
- RPE – competitions with Exeter University.
- History – A-level preparation.
- Science Live trip in bath – lectures from professors (has been run last year so hopefully going again).
Year 12/13 SPACE
- SPACE – tutorials and weekly guidance in progression, UCAS applications, SPACE – Next Steps South West intervention. Progression evening with parents and carers.