HCS trip to Paris

We have not long returned from a brilliant trip to Paris with 40 students from Year 8 + Year 9.

During the trip we visited a French market town and undertook a town trail to get our bearings and we visited a snail farm and learnt all about the tradition of eating snails in France!  We also spent the day at Parc Asterix and got to see the famous characters.

Our final day was spent in Paris where we climbed 300+ steps up the Eiffel Tower (some brave students went even higher!) and then we had a river boat tour of some of the famous Parisian monuments.  We finished our day with a daredevil trip about the Arc de Triomphe roundabout.

It was a brilliant trip and the students were exemplary!

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Heathfield Community School
School Road
Monkton, Heathfield
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Heathfield Community School is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590