Students organise sports festival

Thirty-four Year 10 students from Heathfield Community School organised and ran a fun-filled sports festival for reception age students, from our feeder primary schools, in the sports hall.

The event was organised by SASP (Somerset Active Sports Partnership) in partnership with Heathfield’s activator Dixie Palk. Students from Health and Social Care and GCSE PE ran and managed the events on the day.

The day was designed to enable students to lead fun activities for pupils and to help increase their fundamental skills in physical activities. Activities included parachute, balance beam, jumping lines, catching skills and obstacle courses.

Mel Pattemore, Head of PE, said: “Our students were a credit to the school and their families. Three of our year 11 students also took on sports leadership ambassador roles from our sports studies course. A big thank you must go to Tegan, Hannah and Harrison; congratulations on a brilliant day!”

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School Road
Monkton, Heathfield
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